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2018-1-SI01-KA229-047113 web proyecto

Nuestro centro COLEGIO SAN FRANCISCO DE ASIS - LORCA, fue invitado a participar en este proyecto de duración bianual organizado desde ESLOVENIA

Los países participantes en este proyecto son los siguientes colegios


Durante el curso 2018-2019 hemos realizado las siguientes movilidades

1.- RUMANIA, Lázaro Soto, Susana Mondéjar, Francisco de Haro, Luis Fran. Cano
2.- CROACIA, Lázaro Soto, Susana Mondéjar, Antonio Collado, Begoña López
3.- ESPAÑA, con la colaboración de todo el claustro de nuestro centro
4.-ESLOVENIA, Lázaro Soto, Maria Francisca García, Andrés Martínez

Para el curso 2019-2020, las movilidadades se realizarán con docentes de nuestro centro que acompañarán a 4 alumnos de 6º de primaria

1.- RUMANÍA, Lázaro Soto, Maria José García
2.- CROACIA,  Maria Dolores y Rosario


The project is a strategic cooperation between four primary schools (Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Spain) in order to exchange good teaching practices to promote the development of other competences through digital literacy, with the emphasis on developing language competence with the CLIL method.

All partner organizations introduce teaching practices with the meaningful use of ICT tools, because we believe that with the help of ICT, we can support learning to establish an open learning environment, to which participants can enter without any limits in terms of time (when) and number of visits. All schools put a special emphasis on teaching foreign languages using the CLIL method.
We were looking for partners with the help of an e-Twinning and School Education Gateway portal and through personal contacts (an international CUC conference, during teaching asignment under the Erasmus+).

The objectives of the project are:
- raising and ensuring quality in the field of foreign language teaching and the use of ICT and online tools to improve the learning process,
- testing and implementation of innovations into the school environment (upgrading the use of the e-notebook and the development of didactic materials for teaching foreign languages ​​at various levels of difficulty and the development of tools for the purpose of formative assessment)
- exchange and critical evaluation of innovative practices between schools,
- to enable and support the professional development of the staff in an international environment, emphasising promotion of the development of digital literacy and the further meaningful implementation of ICT into a teaching process, for the purpose of effective formative monitoring of pupil progress and access to quality teaching materials or an open learning environment,
- to experience multilingualism and to develop and strengthen the language competences and, consequently, social inclusion in the international environment.

Teachers invovled in the project (2/3 of the staff) are developers of their own practices and teachers beginners. Pupils from deprivileged backgrounds (30%) with the desire and motivation to establish intercultural dialogue and develop digital competences will also be included.

In the first year of the project five-day joint staff training events will be organised. In September 2018 in Slovenia (using an e-notebook to support formative assessment skills), in November 2018 in Romania (digital examinations, online platform) in February 2019 in Croatia (media literacy) and in April 2019 in Spain (developing CLIL materials).
In the second year, there will be four mobilities of pupils and teachers, who will test and evaluate the teaching practices and materials developed during the year 2018. Short mobilities of pupils will be carried out in October 2019 in Slovenia, in November 2019 in Romania, in Croatia in February 2020 and in May 2020 in Spain.
The joint staff training events will be organized as workshops - we will be introduced with good practices of meaningful implementation of ICT tools and CLIL materials for foreign language teaching; we will upgraded and develop them and later on test them in the classroom within the curriculum; the results will be monitored and evaluated with the help of our pupils; we will also develop and test an e-notebook and an e-classroom (platform with freely-available materials and tests). The professional development of the teachers will be based on acquired digital competence that will be upgraded. As an integral part of the project, an evaluation will also be carried out. Effects will be identified with factors such as motivation for learning, active participation in classes, confidence in pupils' learning abilities and evaluation of their own knowledge. Indicators will be designed by collecting data from pupils, teachers, principals and parents.
We expect higher motivation of pupils to learn, better evaluation of the progress of pupils' knowledge, better linguistic knowledge and the ability to create a positive intercultural dialogue. Pupils (including those with fewer opportunities) will feel more connected with the wider social environment, they will be more successful, they will take over responsibility for their own knowledge and develop ability of critical thinking.

All teaching innovations will be implemented in accordance with the curriculum (use of an e-notebook at national level, introduction of formal monitoring in all subject areas, digital literacy of pupils and teachers, teaching English using CLIL with different, more modern methods and evaluation of knowledge through ICT). This will ensure the quality of teaching, learning for life (not assessment) and in the long run, changes at national level in teaching and descriptive knowledge evaluation.
Added value of the project will be a seminar, implemented at all partner schools for international participants and will be published on the School Education Gateway platform.


El proyecto ha sido subvencionado con 130.000 euros, de los cuales, 30.000 euros han sido destinados para las movilidades de nuestro centro COLEGIO SAN FRANCISCO DE ASÍS - LORCA

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